Letter From Lara

Hello Everyone,
It has taken me hours to write this as I can’t quite comprehend this entire situation. Many of our grandparents lived through world wars which to many of us are hard to really fully understand. We now live through a time which will go down in the history books, a time of immense struggle yet overwhelming sense of community. We are about to go into lock down in South Africa which really is alone time personified, yet the sense of togetherness is overpowering. For once people are not talking about escaping South Africa, moving to a better place. Instead people are present and are here for each other in this beautiful country. How amazing!
Try not to panic and rather focus on the things you can control, whether its fixing something at home or educating yourself online. There are many incredible resources at our fingertips. Please keep exercising as it only assists with stress management and we all need that currently.
Although incredibly hard, I do urge you all to help where you can. You may be 'locked up' at home however there are so many ways in which you can assist during this time. You are what keeps our business (and many other small businesses) going and when you shop you are supporting many. All our gorgeous seamstresses, our designers, our patternmakers, our printers and many more.
Our online site will be open for pre-orders and the purchase of gift vouchers. We however will not be shipping orders until lockdown is over. No orders will be shipped out between 26 March and 17 April. We will keep you updated regularly and will adjust as we receive updates from the government. Please all be patient and understanding during this time.
Most importantly, I hope you and your families are keeping safe and healthy during this time. Please adhere to the rules, not for yourself only, but for all those considered high-risk in our country.
Thank you everyone for your endless support.
Lara Tennent
Founder & Director, Lara Fay Activewear